Carnegie Mellon University

Meet the Class of 2024

After each semester, the Tepper School of Business is excited to celebrate the hard work of our graduates. Meet some of the members of the class of 2024 who have completed their studies!


Meet the Class

Katarina Garcia

B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Business Analytics and Technologies
Dallas, TX

Why did you choose to pursue a Tepper School degree?
I enjoy quantitative analysis in most any field, and the Tepper School provided opportunities to apply math and data analytics to a wide variety of contexts.

What was your favorite course and why?
My favorite course was Data Management Fundamentals! This course made me realize my passion for analytics. Professor Monroe's project-based approach makes it so that students use these analytics tools like they would in industry, and the course is easily accessible to those with no experience in analytics.

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?
Embrace the interdisciplinary; take as many classes outside your major as you can and join all the extracurriculars that interest you.

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals? 
After graduation, I will be joining BNY Mellon as an Operations Analyst and starting a career in data analytics. I am also currently revising a fantasy/mystery novel for a literary agent, a novel I have been working on for several years, which I hope to get published. I plan to pursue a career as a fantasy author alongside my analytics career.

We all have a story to tell, what's yours? 
My major is Business Analytics and Technologies, and my minor is Creative Writing. Everyone asks me why I chose this unique combination: they reflect different parts of me, my passion for quantitative analysis and my passion for storytelling and music. When I graduate, I will pursue a career in data analytics by day and a career as a published fantasy author by night. These parts of me are not distinct; I analyze datasets about the books I read and music I listen to, and I build statistical models to determine how to meet my writing goals.

CMU is, at its heart, interdisciplinary. It’s an incredible place to learn both STEM and the arts, and I believe that I’ve made the most of my time here by exploring both. By being part of incredible creative communities alongside my quantitative studies, I gained a unique interdisciplinary perspective to life, and it added meaning and depth to my CMU experience.

Leonardo Hernandez Sanchez

Master of Business Administration

Why did you choose to pursue a Tepper School degree?
My background is in operations and supply chain in the medical technology industry. I chose Tepper due to its strong program in operations and its significant footprint in the world of technology.

What was your favorite course and why?
My favorite course was Negotiations. It equipped me with the skills to conduct conversations aimed at achieving common agreements. It also helped me communicate better during important decisions, which I believe will aid my career after Tepper.

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?
Tepper is a great school. Trust that the program is built in such a way that it will equip you with the skills to stand out in a business environment, especially when decision-making processes today require strong analytical skills. There is no better program than at the Tepper School.

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals? 
My future goals are to become a subject matter expert in operations management and apply my newly acquired knowledge at a top technology company.

We all have a story to tell, what's yours? 
I am the descendant of an indigenous family from the south of Mexico. My grandmother could barely read and write, but she instilled in my mother the value of education. After overcoming extreme poverty, my mother created opportunities for her children to pursue college degrees.

I honored my mother and grandmother by becoming the first in our family to graduate from college and now the first to earn a Master's Degree. I feel very humble for the opportunities I have been given and hope to inspire future generations of Mexican students to pursue their dreams through education.

Yash Somani

Master of Business Administration

Why did you choose to pursue a Tepper School degree?
I selected the Tepper School of Business with the intention of transitioning into a Product Manager role post-MBA. Being renowned for its technology-focused curriculum, Carnegie Mellon University offered the ideal platform for me to broaden my knowledge by taking courses across various disciplines and learning from top-tier faculty.

Additionally, I was drawn to the Tepper School's small batch size, which fosters a tight-knit community and ensures everyone stays connected. Prior to enrolling, I conducted research on Tepper School professors and was pleasantly surprised to find that they were all approachable and friendly.

What was your favorite course and why?
My favorite course was Acting for Business, where I gained invaluable insights into understanding others' reactions and learned techniques to command the room's presence during presentations. With a focus on enhancing my soft skills before pursuing my MBA, this course proved immensely beneficial. I anticipate that the combination of these refined soft skills alongside my technical expertise will position me to thrive in the business world and emerge as an effective leader.

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?
Firstly, make the most of the resources available at the Tepper School of Business, including academic courses, communication coaching, and participation in club activities. These resources are invaluable for your personal and professional development.

Secondly, don't limit yourself to just Tepper; explore the offerings across Carnegie Mellon University. The university provides a wealth of opportunities that can broaden your knowledge and network beyond the confines of your business school.

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals?
Ultimately, my long-term vision involves venturing into entrepreneurship with the goal of addressing pressing global challenges. I aspire to create something of my own that not only fills a market need but also contributes positively to solving current world problems.

We all have a story to tell, what's yours? 
I've harbored the dream of pursuing an MBA for more than eight years, but it was delayed due to a multitude of reasons, with COVID being one of them. Considering the pressure from various sources and circumstances, it wasn't easy for me. However, my perseverance to attain my goals aided me in this journey, eventually leading to admission at Tepper.

I consider my friends as my greatest assets, as I can rely on them at any point in time. I relished the academic rigor and am pleased to have tackled all challenges thoroughly. I enjoyed interacting with people from different nationalities and cultures, learning more about their backgrounds.

I gained significant insights that will contribute to my growth as a person and a leader as I embark on the next chapter of my life.

Megha Maliwal

Master of Science in Business Analytics
Jaipur, India

Why did you choose to pursue a Tepper School degree?
The coursework impressed me and the location checked off a lot of boxes on my list.

What was your favorite course and why?
Machine Learning in Business Applications. From not knowing anything about machine learning to building, albeit rudimentary, an API and UI, I learned a lot!

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?
Look into the coursework carefully and see if it fits what you are looking for in a degree. Make sure to look at other factors like the professors, the environment, etc. This degree is among the best the country has to offer.

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals?
I want to work as an Analyst! In five years, I want to be certain of the direction I want to grow my career in.

We all have a story to tell, what's yours?
After graduation in 2022, I was debating between an MBA from Indian Institutes of Management vs. a Masters degree in the United States. Choosing the latter had some significant implications, the biggest being that it was my decision. This meant getting out of my comfort zone and taking risks. I was more privileged than most people - I had easy funding and a support system in place here in the States. I met some incredible people along the way as well.

This year has been marked with incredible personal growth. I am glad I made the decision I did and I look forward to many more experiences! 

Kathleen McLellan

Master of Business Administration
Online Hybrid Student
Redmond, WA

Why did you choose to pursue a Tepper School degree?
A main reason I chose the Tepper School is because it is a top-ranked STEM MBA. From a young age, I have loved math and science. Knowing my career would remain in STEM, it was important to me to find a program with a curriculum that was analytical and focused in my field. Additionally, one of the biggest benefits to an MBA is the relationships you make, and I knew the connections I would make would be with similar STEM-focused individuals.

What was your favorite part of being in an online MBA program?
The flexibility it provides in terms of location and schedule. Having the ability to work wherever and whenever enabled me to balance my work, school, and personal life. It also provided a tremendous sense of responsibility and accountability as I was the one who had to plan time to complete assignments.

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?
Use a planner. Most classes release the due dates for assignments and tests when the class begins. Use the start of the new mini to plan out the next two months and make sure to include any work deadlines or life events. This enables you to foresee any potential busy weeks or overlap which will help you plan accordingly. Professors are understanding and want you to succeed. I recommend working with them in advance to ask for an accommodation or see if there is any flexibility for a due date.

Balancing important work deadlines with school work is crucial to mitigating stress levels. Planning also allowed me to recognize the days I had more free time, which I would use to schedule social events. This is the key that will move you from surviving to thriving. The program is long and absolutely worth it but three years with no life outside of work and school will result in burn out. Your friends and family are the support system that will help you on the hard days and remind you why this is all worth it.  

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals?
I strive to create an inclusive and energized working environment wherever I go. I aspire to be someone that people trust and come to when times get hard. I have experienced and seen the power of community and an environment where everyone feels welcomed, heard, and supported in pursuing their dreams and passions. I truly believe that every individual has value as they bring their previous experiences, different perspectives, and new ideas.

I desire to show people their impact as not only am I grateful for their efforts but also hope that it will build their confidence, similar to how my first manager did for me. More specifically though, my next long-term career goal is people management where I seek to inspire and empower individuals to do their best work.

Jason Chan

Master of Business Administration
Online Hybrid Student
Pittsburgh, PA

Why did you choose to pursue a Tepper School degree?
At the Tepper School, I was able to get a top-tier business education while taking advantage of the flexibility of the online MBA program. The program's quantitative focus allowed me to leverage my technical background but apply it to new settings. The option to switch into the full-time program was also a plus and something I considered at one point. Finally, being local to the university made my decision a no-brainer, as it was convenient for me to participate in on-campus events and tap into the Tepper School's local network.

What was your favorite part of being in an online MBA program?
As someone who did not have a clear-cut post-MBA career path, the online MBA program gave me three years instead of two to explore and consider my options, while being able to continue my career and support my family. The extra time helped me definitively figure out my immediate post-MBA goals. Having classes and working at the same time also gave me the chance to apply the concepts I learned in real time, which happened much more often that I initially expected.

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?
Pace yourself and don't try to do too much too early. The online MBA program is a long grind, especially when combined with your day job, so even though there are a lot of exciting opportunities to explore when you first enter the program, you have to take care of yourself and make sure you don't burn out.

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals?
I would like to continue down the general management path and lead more people while making a bigger impact. Someday I would also like to help my family start a small business.

Madhura Jadhav

Master of Business Administration
Pune, India

What was your favorite course and why?

Managing Presentation stands out as my favorite course primarily because it marked the beginning of my academic journey, a journey that not only enriched my knowledge but also forged lasting connections with my peers. This course wasn't just about learning presentation techniques; it was about the shared experience of stepping into a new educational realm together. The collaborative nature of the course fostered an environment where bonds were formed, bonds that I anticipate cherishing for a lifetime. The camaraderie and mutual support among classmates not only enhanced the learning experience but also created a sense of belonging that made the course truly memorable. So, while the subject matter was undoubtedly valuable, it was the relationships forged in that first course that truly made it stand out as a favorite.

What advice do you have for someone considering a degree from the Tepper School?

When it comes to considering a degree from the Tepper School, my advice is rooted in the transformative power of the institution. Tepper isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about a holistic transformation that occurs through a combination of passion, drive, and empathy. It's a place where students are not only encouraged to excel academically but also to develop into well-rounded individuals who are equipped to navigate the complexities of the real world. My advice for prospective students is to embrace this transformative journey wholeheartedly. Dive into every opportunity that comes your way, whether it's academic, extracurricular, or networking-related. Each experience at Tepper has the potential to shape you in profound ways, so make the most of every moment. Approach your studies with passion, engage with your peers and professors with empathy, and let your drive propel you towards your goals. In doing so, you'll not only thrive academically but also emerge from Tepper as a stronger, more capable individual ready to make a positive impact in the world.

What are your plans for after graduation? Future career goals?

After graduation, I aim to break into tech as a product manager (PM), leveraging my analytical and creative skills. Eventually, I plan to transition into the food industry, where I aspire to start my own venture. My goal is to blend my interests in technology and food to make a positive impact.