Carnegie Mellon University

Our Goals | Marketing and Communications

The Marketing and Communications unit at the Tepper School of Business is committed to advancing the school's reputation as a global leader in business education. Our strategic goals focus on enhancing visibility and reputation by promoting the unique integration of technology and business that defines our programs and research. We aim to showcase the achievements of our faculty and students, positioning the Tepper School as a crucible of thought leadership that shapes industry practices and policies.

We strive to optimize our digital presence through comprehensive strategies that include a dynamic website, active social media engagement, and targeted digital marketing. By leveraging advanced analytics, we continuously refine our content to improve user experience and engagement. Our efforts extend to support Carnegie Mellon University’s strategic institutional goals, including student recruitment, alumni relations, and fundraising initiatives.

Innovation and collaboration are at the heart of our operations. We encourage creative approaches in our campaigns and foster partnerships across departments, embodying Carnegie Mellon’s tradition of interdisciplinary innovation. This collaborative spirit enables us to effectively connect with our community and drive meaningful engagement.