Carnegie Mellon University

Frequently Asked Questions

How and when will I be informed about the acceptance of my paper for presentation at the conference?

All acceptances have been communicated via email from the chairs. Any questions about paper acceptance must be directed to the conference chairs (

If my paper is accepted, am I required to attend the i3ce2024 conference?

Yes. If your paper is accepted, we expect at least one of your paper’s authors will be in attendance to present the paper. If there are extenuating circumstances, we can still include it in the conference proceedings with a full registration (Option 1).

None of the paper authors are able to attend the conference. Can another registered conference attendee present our paper?

Yes. In such an instance, we encourage authors to identify another registered conference attendee to present the accepted paper on your behalf.

Please note: To be included in the conference proceedings, the paper must be registered under Option 1

How can I find out when I am scheduled to present at the conference?

Presenters can expect to be notified about the presentation schedule from i3ce2024 conference organizers by mid-July 2024. 

What is the format of the technical presentation?

For full papers: 10 minutes to present, plus 2 minutes for questions.

For short papers: 7 minutes to present, plus 2 minutes for questions.

All presentations must be live (not pre-recorded) and in English. Presenters should bring their own laptops. We also recommend that you bring your own adapter(s) and peripheral devices that may be needed for the presentation.

I didn't receive confirmation of my conference registration. What do I do?

First, check the spam folder of your email account for the confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours following your registration, please contact the conference organizers (

Please note: Some banks may require additional time to process registration payments. Registrants with an "open" charge status should eventually see it "roll off" of their bank statements, though the timing is up to each bank and its processes. We recommend that you contact your financial institution to inquire about the status of your payment and the expected processing timeline.