Carnegie Mellon University

Conference papers

Paper submission instructions for i3CE 2024

NOTE: The i3ce 2024 Call for Papers period is closed. We are no longer seeking new paper submissions.

Formatting & Paper Options

Formatting guidelines

To be considered for review, papers must follow the formatting guidelines set forth by the ASCE. For your convenience, a Microsoft Word template is available.

Technical tracks & paper options

Though the abstract submission allowed you to select general topic areas, we now have specific technical tracks that you can choose from when submitting your final paper. Please make sure to update your selection when submitting the final paper.

This year, we are accepting two kinds of papers: short papers and full papers.

  • Expected to be 5 pages in length, including references (required).
  • Should describe nascent and/or preliminary research in a new direction.
  • Expected to be no more than 10 pages in length, including references (required).
  • Should describe more mature research results.

Both paper types will be provided a DOI, indexed, and included in the proceedings of the conference. However, they will have different presentation times.