Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy & Technology

CMU's Home for Political Science and International Relations

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Museums, Archives, and Libraries

Could you spend all day wandering around the halls of a Smithsonian museum or the Library of Congress? Interested in exploring the history of DC? Considering a career as an archivist or museum curator? An internship at one of DC’s many museums, archives, and libraries might be for you!

One of the most famous attractions in DC, The Smithsonian Institution, is comprised of seventeen museums and offices in the city, all of which hire interns. You could work on curation projects at the Archives of American Art, help plan the annual Folklife Festival, or even work at the National Zoo! DC also has a number of independent libraries and archives that provide opportunities for interns to conduct research and assist with exhibits.

The Corcoran
Dumbarton House
The GWU Textile Museum 
Library of Congress
National Archives 
National Building Museum
National History Center
National Museum of Women in the Arts
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Smithsonian Internship Opportunities