Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy & Technology

CMU's Home for Political Science and International Relations

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Security and Technology

Interested in the intersection of technology and public policy? Want to explore the ethics of artificial intelligence and other emerging fields? Considering a career as an intelligence analyst or data scientist? An internship in the security and technology space might be for you!

The organizations below examine the issues of technology and national security from a variety of lenses. Interns can expect to work as research assistants and help with organizing panels and events. You might also assist with database development or the drafting of publications. Often, you’ll be invited to attend seminars, briefings, and conferences in DC, where you’ll have the chance to meet and hear from a variety of experts working in the field.

If you’re interested in these topics, you should also consider an internship with a think tank, many of which also host scholars focused on the issues of security and technology.

Center for Democracy & Technology
Center for a New American Security
Georgetown Center for Security and Emerging Technology
Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
National Defense University
National Security Archive
Potomac Institute International Center for Terrorism Studies
Technology Policy Institute
Truman National Security Project