Carnegie Mellon University

Katelin Avenir

Meet Katelin Lauren Avenir

Heinz College

My first significant experience with Carnegie Mellon University happened while attending the Heinz College Virtual Fall Visitation. I remember feeling a sense of community when listening to students talk from the Master of Healthcare Analytics and Information Technology program during a student panel discussion because their academic experiences and career goals were like mine. They shared their academic and professional experiences at the university with such passion which increased my fascination with the program and led me to realize that CMU and Heinz College are where I wanted to be.

Before even commencing my classes at CMU, my second significant experience unfolded as I joined a Data Science team representing Carnegie Mellon University in the 3rd Coast AI for Health Bowl Competition hosted by Northwestern University. Collaborating with students from diverse academic backgrounds – including CMU’s School of Design, School of Computer Science, a joint MD-PhD program between CMU and Pitt, and others from Heinz – I was part of an interdisciplinary team passionately dedicated to enhancing healthcare and tackling health equity issues through AI and Machine Learning methodologies. Our collective efforts resulted in the development of a patient-centered clinical trial decision support tool and user interface, empowering patients from all demographics to exercise autonomy in selecting clinical trials. This endeavor led our team to clinch first prize at the competition; a truly gratifying achievement!

Ultimately, Heinz College has presented me with an array of distinct learning opportunities, an aspect I can confidently assert I wouldn't have encountered at other graduate institutions. The educational experience at Heinz College and CMU is unparalleled, seamlessly blending technical proficiency with real-world readiness. Through a diverse array of courses ranging from navigating organizational design and development to problem-solving via design thinking, and delving into the realms of generative AI, data science, and big data for informed decision-making, I've acquired a comprehensive skill set.

Reflecting on my experiences, finding exactly what I was searching for in a graduate program at Heinz College and CMU gave me immense satisfaction. Simultaneously, I found a sense of comfort and belonging in considering CMU, Heinz College and the city of Pittsburgh home for the next two years.


  • President of Heinz College Women+ in Data Science Club
  • President of Heinz College Healthcare Club
  • MSHCA Ambassador of Heinz College Ambassador Program
  • Heinz College Teaching Assistant for Exploratory Data Analysis; Telling Stories with Data
  • Patient Safety Challenge Fellow for Jewish Healthcare Foundation
  • 3rd Coast AI for Health Bowl Competition Team Member hosted by Northwestern University
After graduation, I will be working at Deloitte in their Government and Public Services Sector as a data analyst in their Strategy & Analytics Offering Portfolio with the hope of working with Federal Health clients.
I will always cherish the community I've built and became a part of throughout my journey at Heinz College and CMU. The enriching journey of graduate school has been shaped profoundly by the support, guidance, and fellowship of my friends, professors, advisors, mentors, and colleagues. The skills and knowledge I've gained have extended far beyond the classroom. Engaging in collaboration and learning from peers with diverse backgrounds, skills, and passions has truly been remarkable and inspirational.

Grace Benkart

Meet Grace Benkart

Mellon College of Science

My most significant experience at CMU was being apart of Strong Women Strong Girls (SWSG). I have mentored with SWSG since I was a freshman, and I have also served in multiple positions on the executive board, including Chapter Director. As a mentor, we travel weekly to local Pittsburgh elementary schools to empower and instill confidence in young girls in 3rd-5th grade by highlighting strong female role models. I have also enjoyed tutoring AP Biology students at the Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy through the Gelfand Center. Seeing both the SWSG mentees and the high school biology students growth over the course of my time with them has been a rewarding and inspiring experience.

  • Strong Women Strong Girls member
  • Tutor for the Gelfand Center
  • CaPS Student Advisory Board
  • Research Assistant for Cook Cardiopulmonary Engineering Group
  • Young Women in Bio Social Media Chair
  • Health Unit Coordinator at the UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
After graduation, I plan to take a gap year working as a patient care technician on the Oncology unit at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh while applying to medical school.

While there are many experiences and memories I have made while being a student at CMU, I am going to miss the friendships I have made here the most. My group of friends have gotten me through the countless exams, projects, and labs while also being the most fun and supportive group of people I know.

Stacey Cho 

Meet Stacey Cho

College of Fine Arts

I entered CMU as a mural painter and ultimately ended up having immense passion for XR/3D and academic research. My most memorable moment is when our HCI (Human Computer Interaction) research team presented our AI cooperation project at the 2023 FDG conference held in Lisbon, Portugal. It was my first time traveling to Europe as well as having the opportunity to meet incredibly talented global professors and university scholars. I also loved showcasing my senior exhibition mixed reality project — "Jelly Invasion" — to the greater public in the Miller ICA gallery. I cannot express how grateful I am to CMU for giving me the opportunity to discover my passions and interests for a completely new field that I had never experienced before.


  • Research Assistant for CMU HCI Augmented Perception Lab (2023-24)
  • Research Assistant for CMU HCI Center for Transformational Play Lab (2022-24)
  • CMU School of Art Program Ambassador (2022-2024)
  • CMU XRTC Creative Research Grant for mixed reality project "Jelly Invasion" (2023)
  • Teaching Assistant for "Intro to Immersive Tech: Art and Culture" class (2023)
  • XR Research intern for CMU Entertainment and Technology Center (2021-23)
  • PR Lead officer for CMU Game Creation Society (2022)
  • Art Editor for CMU Tartan Newspaper (2020-22)
  • Treasurer for CMU Tartan Wind Ensemble (2021)
I will be attending Harvard University for my Master of Learning Design, Innovation and Technology. My ultimate dream is to make a breakthrough in the field of creative tech and explore how XR can help increase interactivity.
I will miss the incredibly wonderful people I have met here, from close friends, faculty members, lab members, to even outside community members. The overall community at CMU is truly special and my 4 years here as an undergraduate couldn't have been better.

Nisha Fernandes

Meet Nisha Fernandes

Tepper School of Business

Throughout my time here at Carnegie Mellon, I have embraced one word — community. Over my four years, I have been so fortunate to be surrounded by inspiring and supportive individuals who have redefined what it means to be in a community.

As we built up a strong network within our organization and with other Pittsburgh non-profits, the members of 180 Degrees Consulting and Partners Allied in Civic Engagement have shown me how a strong community is rooted in passion, service, and drive. The members of Women in Business and Delta Delta Delta have shown me that a supportive community is determined through compassion and friendship. I realized that my most significant experiences at CMU have been creating, building, and cherishing those communities.


  • Co-President of Women in Business
  • Consulting President of 180 Degrees
  • Partners Allied in Civic Engagement (PACE) Coordinator
  • Greek Sing Philanthropy Chair and Director of Member Finances for Delta Delta Delta
After graduation, I will be going to New York City to continue a career in operations for a consulting firm.
As cheesy as it sounds, I will definitely miss the people at Carnegie Mellon the most. I have met some of the most talented and accomplished individuals who constantly push the boundaries in their fields. I have also met incredibly caring and empathetic people tackling significant social issues. My friends, professors, and advisors have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and fully embrace the CMU experience. These relationships will be the hardest to leave behind, as they have profoundly influenced my personal and professional growth. Their support and inspiration have been pivotal in shaping my journey at CMU, leaving me with memories and lessons that I will cherish and carry with me wherever I go.

Marissa Pekula

Meet Marissa Baldauf Pekular

Dietrich College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Having the opportunity to pursue a senior honors thesis has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I pursued my passion for women's health and birth justice through this project titled, "An Analysis of Maternal Health Outcomes Post-Dobbs (2022): Exploring the Social and Political History Behind the Crisis." For a year, I investigated the nation's worsening maternal mortality rate, while exploring its connections to the past, analyzing how medical sexism, institutional racism, and judicial politics have collectively and systemically shaped the maternal health crisis that we experience today. Working on this thesis has not only allowed me to gain a wealth of knowledge about this subject, but it has also allowed me hone in on my research interests and passions that I hope to dedicate my career to.


  • Phi Beta Kappa Society
  • Andrew Carnegie Society Scholar, 2023-2024
  • Recipient of the CMU Senior Leadership Recognition
  • Dietrich College Senior Honors Program
  • Student Writer for Dietrich College of CMU Communications Department
  • Member of Women in International Security
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health Maternal & Child Health Equity Scholar
  • Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society
  • Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society
  • Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Throughout my career, I plan to research, organize, and advocate for birth justice and health equity. I am interested in pursuing this work in think tanks and non-profit spaces. Ultimately, I hope to help inform and enable people with a sense of agency, self-advocacy, and autonomy as they navigate the U.S. healthcare setting.
As a student within the Dietrich College, I will miss having the unique space to discuss and explore important topics with my peers and professors. Taking classes such as "Body Politics: Women and Health in America" with Professor Lisa Tetrault allowed me to form deep connections with fellow students as we analyzed the politics that control our everyday lives. I will miss having these classroom discussions as they are not only fundamental to my intellectual growth, but also to my self-realization.

Siya Scindia

Meet Siya Scindia

College of Engineering

Being a part of CMU Society of Women Engineers (SWE) has been the highlight of my undergraduate experience. I have served on SWE's executive board ever since I was a freshman and have always been amazed by the incredible support and warmth that this community provides. Being in SWE has not only allowed me to meet so many lifelong friends and mentors, but also to grow personally, professionally, and as a leader. I feel so lucky to have had such a passionate, driven, and encouraging group of women in STEM by my side these past four years, and I am going to miss them and everything CMU SWE has to offer so dearly.


  • President of CMU Society of Women Engineers
  • Member of Tau Beta Pi
  • Part-time SAT/ACT/math tutor
I am starting as an asssociate scientist at Merck in August 2024 and plan to pursue a career in the pharma/life sciences industry.
I am going to miss how supportive everyone at CMU is. Throughout these last four years, I have always felt 100% backed by my peers, professors, and advisors. They have been some of my biggest cheerleaders and mentors, and they inspire me to reach my full potential everyday.

Rachel Wilson

Meet Rachel Wilson

School of Computer Science

My time at CMU has afforded me a sense of independence and control over my life. Any future I imagined for myself, I could pursue. From teacher to researcher to voting rights activist to software engineer, CMU helped me uncovered these versions of myself, and so I found ways to weave those experiences together into the person I want to be.

  • Apex Buggy
  • Teaching Assistant (TA) for 15-150: Principles of Functional Programming
  • TA for 15-312: Foundations of Programming Languages
  • Achayot of Carnegie Mellon (Now part of Hillel)
  • Pittsburgh Oakland Table Tennis Club
  • Research with the Networking focused SNAP lab at CMU
  • CMU CS Academy
  • Poll Working in Pittsburgh
I am pursing a fifth year through the Fifth Year Scholars program at CMU. Through a community-based research project, I will explore multilingualism as it relates to CS Education. After that, who knows! I hope to venture abroad, maybe find a job, and eventually make my way back to grad school in some form.
I will miss Pittsburgh. I did not expect to find such a beautiful home here, with so much interesting culture and history to explore.