Carnegie Mellon University

Study and Travel Abroad

Students routinely report that international experiences during college were the most valuable and transformative of their lives.

These are times of growth and change in many areas: academic, professional, personal and intercultural. Students report that studying, traveling or working abroad provided them with increased problem-solving skills, improved foreign language proficiency, and led to new professional contacts, more independence, an enhanced awareness and appreciation of their home culture and a stronger interest in and appreciation for other cultures. In all of these ways, study and travel abroad reflect all of the key elements of “experiential learning” at its best.

Study Abroad for Humanities and Social Sciences Students

Study and travel abroad have become increasingly popular among Dietrich College undergraduates. These consist of traditional study abroad programs during a semester or summer, as well as service-learning trips during winter or spring breaks, summer-long internships, etc.

The university's Office of International Education (OIE) works with undergraduate students to develop goals and learning objectives for study and travel abroad, to identify programs that align with student interests and needs, to develop detailed plans for study or travel abroad and to prepare students for the experience of living, studying, traveling or working abroad.

To learn more, meet with one of the Study Abroad Advisors in the university’s Office of International Education, as well as your major advisor and your advisor in the college’s Academic Advisory Center.

Funding for Study and Travel Abroad

Funding for study and travel abroad is available through Dietrich College and many other sources. By working closely with your study abroad advisor, you may be able to tap several funding sources that would help cover some of your projected study or travel abroad costs.

Safety & Security

As a global institution, Carnegie Mellon values intercultural experiences gained when students participate in education abroad; however, international travel does have risk. Office of International Education (OIE) staff balance the benefits of these experiences with specific risk factors when advising and funding individual and group study/travel abroad. We encourage students to discuss their travel plans early and thoroughly with their families and campus advisors. Learn more from the OIE about safety and security issues.