Carnegie Mellon University

Aiwen (Erin) Chen

Class of 2024
B.S. in Neuroscience and Philosophy
Hometown: Changzhou, China



What communities do you claim membership within?

Here For You; Awareness of Roots in Chinese Culture

What areas of community engagement are you most passionate about?

Mental Health advocacy, especially raising awareness, early interventions and building communities.

Why did you choose to become a fellow?

While doing advocacy work, I realized that I've always stayed in the bubble of the university. I need to go into the community, listen to people, learn about the real thoughts and feelings of community members and identify existing assets and resources available to the public. It is necessary to break the power dynamic and "offering" mindset, but really to build rapport and partnership with community members, and improve the connection between resources and local populations accordingly.

What are you enjoying most about the fellowship so far?

I really enjoy learning about how to know about a community and the development and growth of non-profit organizations. I also enjoy learning from my fellow cohort members, who are insightful, helpful and motivated individuals.