Carnegie Mellon University

Sponsor Capstones

Capstones are immersive, experiential courses that culminate a graduate program experience. Industry partners are an integral part of making these courses impactful learning experiences for students. Your company provides the business challenge and we will help you shape it into an educational experience and connect with the right audience. Tepper students apply their deep analytical skills, business knowledge, and creative problem-solving expertise to transform data into better decision-making and a competitive advantage for your business.

What to expect:

  • 15 week project time frame in the fall or spring semester
  • Faculty supervision of program + industry or academic project advisor
  • 2-5 students from world-ranked CMU tackling your business problem
  • ~10 hours per student invested in the project weekly
  • Graduate, undergraduate and interdisciplinary team formats

Sponsorship entails:

  • Provide project idea + data/material if applicable
  • Participation at kickoff, mid-term and closing meetings; project liaison biweekly touch points.
  • Educational Project Agreement