Carnegie Mellon University

The Mindfulness Room

The Mindfulness Room is a dedicated space on campus to simply rest, breathe, and relax with no agenda. It is open 24 hours during the fall and spring semesters and is located on the first floor of West Wing.

Get Involved

The Mindfulness Room team meets weekly during the fall and spring semester to discuss contemplative practices to enhance holistic well-being and is always seeking student leaders to join the team. Contact Harsh Agarwal, Mindfulness Room advisor and program specialist for Wellness Initiatives, for more details. Don't forget to follow the Mindfulness Room on Instagram!

Thank you to the generous faculty and staff that have donated books, yoga mats, meditation cushions and art work of inspiration to this room. If you have a book(s), magazines and posters you wish to donate, please email Angie Lusk.

CMU students sit on comfy puff chairs in the Mindfulness Room

The Mindfulness Room is a dedicated space on campus to simply rest, breathe, and relax with no agenda.

No homework allowed; this place is not for meetings or work but to recover and inspire yourself. The space opened in 2014 to offer the permission to rest and to encourage wellness practices throughout the day and evening.

A peek inside the Mindfulness Room, with yoga mats, comfy chairs and art on the walls

Equipped for relaxation and inspiration.

Step into the lobby and check out the student created mural to transport you into a different time and space, one that promotes rest and relaxation. Stretch on yoga mats, grab a meditation pillow, or enjoy some of our comfortable anti-gravity seating for a quick nap. Or, embrace play by checking out our craft corner to have fun with play-dough, coloring books, puzzles, legos or a gratitude practice. Browse the bookshelf for favorite, inspirational books from professors and faculty. Read scrapbooks filled with stories of love, laughter, failure and more in letters from alumni and upper-class students. 

Student checks out hanging photos and art in Mindfulness Room Art Gallery

Open 24 Hours. Fall and Spring.

All Carnegie Mellon University community members have access to the Mindfulness Room, located on the Ground Floor of West Wing.

Student holds up chalkboard sign that reads "How do you stay present? Always think of reasons to be thankful!" in the Mindfulness Room

There are events, too, but the room mostly serves as a non-programmed space.

Practice gratitude (virtually, via Zoom) on Thursdays from 12:30-1 p.m. Join our beginner's meditation circle in person on Wednesdays from 5-5:30 p.m. or join us for Pet Therapy later that evening, Wednesday 7-8 p.m. We continuously add additional events and opportunities, like watercolor 101, aromatherapy, relaxation workshops, chair massages, plant therapy, and peer led pause. Follow @CMU_MindfulnessRoom on Instagram for up-to-date announcements and sign up for the Be Well newsletter to be the first to know.