Carnegie Mellon University

Seminar Series

AI-SDM invites you to engage in an intellectual discourse through our biweekly seminar series. This interactive forum serves as a cornerstone for collaboration and knowledge exchange, convening the Institute's investigators, postdocs, and graduate students alongside preeminent guest speakers from academia, industry, and government entities.

Each session presents an opportunity for remote and in-person attendees to delve into the Institute's cutting-edge research at the nexus of artificial intelligence and societal decision-making.  Sessions are further enriched by stimulating Q&A sessions and, of course, delectable refreshments for our dedicated physical audience.  We invite you to engage, learn, and contribute to the advancement of AI for the betterment of society.





Details regarding past and future seminars can be found on our Events calendar.  Subscribe to our public email list below to receive timely reminders and updates on upcoming seminars.

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Seminar Video Library

Ariel Procaccia: Generative Social Choice

Gretchen Chapman: Messages, Mores, Mandates, and Misunderstandings in Immunization

Christopher DancyML+Optimization: Computational Cognitive Systems to Think Through the Human in Human-AI Interactions

Milind Tambe: ML+Optimization: Driving Social Impact in Public Health and Conservation

Simon Du: When are Offline Multi-Agent Games Solvable?

Kathryn Schaber: 

Aarti Singh: Leveraging Human Factors in Autonomous Decision Making

Aaditya Ramdas: Merging Uncertainty Sets via Majority Vote

Paul Lehner: When Is Using AI the Rational Choice?

Bryan Wilder: ML for Public Health Decision Making

Robin Murphy: Decision-Making from Drone Imagery in Disaster Management

Kun Zhang: Causal Representation Learning & Its Connection to Decision Making

Coty Gonzalez: Building Human-Like Artificial Agents: 

Aarti Singh: Introduction to AI Institute for Societal Decision Making (AI-SDM)