Carnegie Mellon University

Helping Students Reach Their Potential

AI-SDM empowers students at all levels to become well-rounded leaders in the field of artificial intelligence.  By joining the Institute's vibrant community, students gain unparalleled exposure to diverse AI applications and broaden their knowledge base by interacting with their peers who have expertise in complementary areas such as computer science, robotics, social sciences, statistics, and philosophy.

AI-SDM fosters collaboration beyond institutional boundaries, allowing students to connect and work with peers from other universities and AI Institutes.  This collaborative environment provides a springboard for exchanging ideas, tackling complex problems, and developing innovative solutions.



AI-SDM students enjoy such benefits as:

Staying Current

Gain insights into the latest AI-SDM research initiatives and developments.

Research Exploration

Discover research opportunities that align with academic interests.

Shaping the Program

Provide valuable input on visiting speakers and event themes.

Networking & Collaboration

Build connections with fellow students, faculty, and industry professionals

Professional Development

Access workshops and programs designed to hone professional skills.

Community Outreach

Contribute to the advancement of AI through outreach activities.

Social Engagement

Build lasting relationships and enjoy a supportive community through social events.

Leadership Development

Develop leadership skills through participation in student organizations and activities.

Scholarly Impact

Gain experience in scholarly communication by presenting research and presenting at seminars.

AI-SDM Student Leadership Council (SLC)

The AI-SDM Student Leadership Council (SLC) offers a dynamic platform for students to take an active leadership role within the Institute. This student-led organization fosters a collaborative environment where students can provide valuable feedback, share innovative ideas, and have a direct impact on the Institute's direction.

The SLC serves as a vital forum for student voices. Council members act as liaisons between students and the Institute's faculty and administration, ensuring student perspectives are heard and considered. They also play a key role in mobilizing student participation in NSF-funded events and Institute activities.

The SLC is committed to reflecting the Institute's rich diversity. Its members represent a variety of academic disciplines, creating a well-rounded council that champions the interests of the entire student body.

SLC Members

selina_300x300-min.jpgSelina Carter

Carnegie Mellon



namrata_300x300-min.jpgNamrata Deka

Carnegie Mellon

Machine Learning


tom_300x300-min.jpgTom Manzini

Texas A&M

Computer Science & Engineering


paula_rodriguez_300x300-min.jpgPaula Rodriguez Diaz


Computer Science


melanece_300x300-min.jpgMelanece Wesley

Howard University

Social Work


yinuodu_300x300-min.jpgYinuo Du

Carnegie Mellon

Software and Societal Systems


kanad-300x300-min.jpgKanad Pardeshi

Carnegie Mellon

Machine Learning


Student Events

The AI-SDM student experience extends beyond the classroom.  The Institute offers a variety of events designed and led by our students, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment.  From thought-provoking discussions to impactful outreach activities and social gatherings, there's something for everyone.  Explore our student events calendar and discover opportunities to partcipate in exciting student activites.

AI-SDM students attending a research brainstorming session in a conference room

Research Brainstorming Sessions

Students meet regularly to participate in informal discussion sessions that delve into cutting-edge AI topics.  These regular meetings throughout the semester provide a platform for students to deepen understanding of specific areas and broaden knowledge by exploring cross-cutting connections between various AI disciplines.  Discussions are a breeding ground for collaboration, innovative thinking, and problem-solving from the ground up.  They provide a stress-free forum for exchanging ideas, brainstorming new approaches to challenges, and fostering lasting connections within the AI-SDM community in an environment distinct from a traditional seminar.  

AI-SDM student participating in an outreach event by giving a lecture to high school students

Outreach Activities

University students have the opportunity to take part in Institute outreach activities.  These impactful activities aim to broaden participation in AI fields, particularly among underrepresented groups.  By participating in outreach events, students can play a vital role in demystifying AI, sparking interest in diverse populations, and shaping the future of the field for the better.  

AI-SDM students at a social event, seated in a meeting room and having a group discussion

Social Events

AI-SDM social events are an opportunity for students and staff come together in a fun and relaxed hybrid format. Delicious food and snacks are always central to the effort, creating a comfortable atmosphere for connecting with peers, faculty, and industry professionals.  These informal gatherings are more than just social; they also serve as a welcoming space for students from outside the Institute to engage with AI-SDM research and connect with the vibrant AI community.