Carnegie Mellon University

Working Norms for a Hybrid Workforce

As we navigate the shift to a hybrid workforce, recognizing the evolving landscape empowers us to build a work environment that fosters individual and team success.

  • Refrain from scheduling meetings beyond typical work hours (e.g., during early morning or evening hours). Most staff work 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m., and it is important to delineate between work and personal time. This is important for all employees, and especially important for non-exempt employees.
  • Respect individuals' work schedules and calendars. Do not push to schedule meetings during times that are unavailable.
  • Reduce the number of meetings. Consider whether a meeting is necessary to accomplish the end goal. Check out How to Have Fewer, Better Meetings on LinkedIn Learning.
  • Institute a department-wide or team-wide “no meeting hour” or “no meeting day,” if feasible, to allow time for focused work.
  • Designate a meeting space where team members on site can congregate and access technology that will facilitate members joining the meeting remotely, if possible. A large screen equipped with a microphone and camera will allow members joining virtually to view and hear the meeting room, while also allowing those in the meeting room to view and hear members joining remotely. If this is not possible, try to ensure that Zoom or other calls will not distract other employees who may be sharing a common space.
  • To avoid Zoom fatigue, ask if attendees would prefer an audio-only call or schedule meetings at appropriate times to meet their needs. Prepare an agenda to help facilitate discussion and to help determine the length of time needed for the meeting.
  • If some employees cannot attend a meeting, consider if an email will suffice in place of a meeting, record meetings to allow for later viewing or designate someone to take notes.
  • Consider travel time when planning meetings. Unlike virtual meetings, which can be scheduled back-to-back, team members on campus may need to physically move from one location to the next.
  • Create virtual office hours to allow time for informal check-ins that might occur naturally when all team members are sharing a physical space. The ability for employees to connect with supervisors and colleges will help to promote engagement.
  • Set time aside to foster social interactions for your team, since this may not happen as naturally as it used to, but still remains vital for an effective team culture.
  • Structure time for collaborative efforts in a predictable, recurring way so that everyone knows what to expect and how to prepare given their different circumstances.
  • Create a shared calendar where employees can record their work schedules and look to see when team members are working.
  • Add work schedules to email signatures to inform colleagues and those with whom you collaborate of the standard times you are available.
  • Create an out-of-office message to communicate alternate schedules.
  • Use informal messaging apps and services such as Jabber to enable colleagues to chat no matter where they are and keep communication at an optimal level.
  • For new employees who will be starting in a remote setting, take time to introduce team members and their roles as well as any relevant norms and expectations. Certain things that are learned through observation in an office setting will not be as easily perceived by those working remotely.
  • Set the expectation that employees will be responsible for their own digital proficiency as this will be essential to operating smoothly in a hybrid environment.
  • Consider “the office” to be a state of working, rather than a physical space. When someone is “out of the office” it simply means they are not available to work at this time.
  • Identify norms important to your team and plan ways for remote team members to participate seamlessly with those on campus.
  • Ensure all employees have an equitable manner of participating in meetings. This is especially important when some employees are in person, some on Zoom and some on a phone.