Carnegie Mellon University


Computing Services Help Center

Computing Services consultants are available to help you set your Andrew account password and resolve other IT issues.

Computing Services Website
Call: 412-268-4357 (HELP); 8:30 am - 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday

Andrew Account

Your Andrew account is your gateway to the computing environment at Carnegie Mellon. Your account gives you access to email, software downloads, file storage, and other resources. Keep your login information handy – you will use it often. 

If you have lost your Andrew userID, you can look it up on the CMU directory. 

If you have lost your password, please contact Computing Services at the contact information above.


Official Carnegie Mellon email is sent to your CMU Google mail address (your Andrew userID followed by Use your Andrew userID and password to access your emailPlease check your CMU email at least once a day.

Review our Tech Quick Start Guide for additional resources to support your learning experience.