Carnegie Mellon University

How to Install Software on a DSP Computer

As a DSP customer, there are two ways for you to download and install software.

  1. Install DSP-approved Software - software that's commonly used within the university. No administrative permissions are required to install.
  2. Install with Admin By Request - grants you temporary administrative permissions so that you can install any software not included in the software center that you're required to use for university work.

Install DSP-approved Software

Select from the available apps. No administrative permissions are required.


  1. Open Finder and double-click Applications > Self Service Software.
  2. Click All (left).
  3. Click an application to select it, then click Install to load it onto your device.

Note: Contact the Help Center for assistance with uninstalling software.

  1. Open Finder and double-click Applications > Self Service Software.
  2. Click Activity (top) to view if an application is installed or installing.


  1. Click Start (bottom left) and select Software Center or Company Portal.
  2. Click Apps (left).
  3. Click on an application and click Install to load it onto your device.

Note: It may take fifteen minutes or more for the Software Center app to display on your machine.

  1. Click Start (bottom left) and select Software Center.
  2. Click Installation status (left). The Status column indicates if the application is installed, installing, uninstalling, or has failed installation.

  1. From the Software Center, click Installation status (left).
  2. Click the application that you would like to uninstall and then click Uninstall.

  1. Click Options (left).
  2. Specify the hours that you typically work in the Work Information section.
  3. Specify the how software changes can be made in the Computer Maintenance section.

Install with Admin By Request

Download whatever software you need. Give yourself admin permissions to install.


Follow the instructions to enable Admin By Request on Mac and install software on your computer.

Follow the prompts to download your application of choice from the Software Catalog or vendor website. 

  1. Click Finder and double-click Applications > Admin By Request.
  2. Click Yes to request admin access.
  3. You will be prompted to type:
    • Your Andrew email address
    • The reason for the install
  4. Click Continue to submit the request.
  5. A pop-up will appear confirming that your Administrative Session has been approved and a timer will begin counting down. The session will last 15 minutes.

Software installs vary, so be sure to follow the installation prompts.

Once the installation is complete, click Finish in the Admin By Request window. You may start another session whenever the need for a future install arises.

To remove the Admin By Request app from your dock, right-click the app icon and click Quit.


Follow the instructions to enable Admin By Request on Windows and install software on your machine.

Follow the prompts to download your application of choice from the Software Catalog or vendor website.

  1. Right-click on the installation file that you downloaded above and choose Run as administrator.
  2. You will be prompted to type:
    1. Your Andrew email address
    2. The reason for the install
  3. Click OK.
  4. When asked Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.

Software installs vary, so be sure to follow the installation prompts.

Once the installation is complete, click Finish in the Admin By Request window. You may start another session whenever the need for a future install arises.

Note: If the installation fails, right-click the installer file and select Run as Administrator.

Frequently Asked Questions

Admin By Request allows you to install any software package needed for university work. This includes applications that are not included in the Software Center. Review the Information Security Office Standards for more information.



DSP customers should download software from the Software Catalog only if the software is not available in the Company Portal or Software Center (Windows), or Self Service Software (Mac). 

Not only does this assist us in supporting you and your machine, but it helps us determine what software needs our customers might have that aren't included in the Software Center.

There are many applications available, however, some request the purchase of a software license prior to use. Visit our Software Center for more information.