Carnegie Mellon University

Becca Naughton and Jaimie Schoyer from the CMU Family Care team holding award and posing in front of red velvet curtain

August 30, 2024

Staff Highlight: Family Care Team

The Family Care team offers a concierge service to provide personalized support to parents and families within the CMU community. Our dedicated specialists can answer your questions and connect you with resources to help with child care, elder care and more. The service is available at no cost to CMU faculty, staff and graduate students.

In addition to the concierge service, the Family Care team supports key programs for families including:

  • Lactation Support Program: The program provides access to lactation rooms on campus, a lactation support policy, and breastfeeding resources.
  • Care for Business: Eligible employees and graduate students receive a free premium membership to This allows you to search for childcare providers, post job openings and access subsidized emergency backup care for both children and adults.

Introducing the Team

  • Becca Naughton, family care concierge specialist:
    • What do you like most about working at CMU? The people are wonderful, there is always a new learning opportunity, and the landscaping on campus is beautiful. In our roles, we get to interact with many different groups on campus, and I am always impressed by how much CMU has to offer and the energy everyone brings to the table.
    • Fun fact: I watch a lot of BBC, I have too many plants, and I talk so loud that I am not difficult to find. I also love working with clay, both for sculpting and throwing pottery. 
  • Jaime Schoyer, family care concierge specialist:
    • What do you like most about working at CMU? The team at CMU is a delight to work with. I am motivated by my insightful and innovative colleagues! 
    • Fun fact: I have a very old cat who I love dearly, I wish I could eat soup dumplings every day, and I enjoy cycling.

Resources and Further Information  

To learn more about the concierge program and other family care initiatives, visit the Family Care Initiatives page. To stay up to date on services and family care related activities, sign up for the HR Family Care mailing list.