Carnegie Mellon University

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September 13, 2024

Workday 2024R2 Release Updates

Updates to everyday features in Workday will enhance the self-service experience for CMU employees

The 2024R2 Workday release updates will be live on Monday, September 23 with a couple of exciting changes that will improve the user experience.

  • AI functionality will be integrated into Workday Search, allowing it to learn your most frequently used tasks and apps. To enable "Simplified Search," simply toggle the switch above your search results.
Workday Search Bar with Simplified Search Enabled
  • The Workday Assistant chat tool has been relocated to the Workday Toolbar next to the notification bell for better integration with the platform and enhanced accessibility. 
Workday Assistant Icon in Workday Toolbar

Be sure to log into Workday on Monday, September 23 to explore the improvements!